Kneeling on Mung Beans

Child Abuse Review features our Participatory Action Research on Corporal Punishment: Imagine a world where each child has the right to live in a happy family that is full of hope, where children can play in clean playgrounds, where no child is beaten or hit with a piece of wood,…

Family Retreat 2016

For many families with hectic schedules and different activities, it can be difficult to spend time as a family. To get these families of the children-beneficiaries together as a group, Onesimo Bulilit has once again conducted an Annual Family Retreat on October 22-23, 2016 and November 7-8, 2016 at Jabez…

Precious home inaugurated

 On July 11, 2016 we inaugurated the newly set-up precious home, a safe home catering for ten sexually abused girls. Representatives of the board of trustees, staff, and children attended the ceremony which was officiated by Pastor Benjamin Polidario, board member and Executive Director of our mother organization Onesimo Foundation.We…