Precious Home
The home is a safe place for sexually abused girls (6-15 years) in need of protection, healing, and recovery. The program includes therapeutic interventions, psycho-social formation, spiritual wholeness, formal and non-formal education, and recreation. The child can stay for 1-2 years at Precious home with the goal of reintegration to the community or placement to adoption.
Foster Care
Children who are abandoned or cannot be reintegrated with their biological families are placed with licensed foster families. Here they experience more individualized care, love and attention necessary for their growth and development.
Onesimo Bulilit recruits and develops foster families and facilitates their licenses with DSWD. It provides ongoing monitoring, training, and support after a child is placed with them.
Outreach & Advocacy
The team goes to the streets weekly to build relationships with street children and encourage them through games, songs, story-telling, and counseling. The children learn about their rights and are invited to the Drop-in center.
Through various creative advocacy initiatives, young people voice out their stance on children’s rights, child abuse, and anti-corporal punishment.
Drop-in Center
In the Drop-in Center, vulnerable street children (6-14 years old) find a safe place during the day. Their basic needs are provided, they are taught healthy life habits, and are motivated for their schooling. In coordination with their parents or guardians, their situation is being assessed and further interventions are planned.
Educational Assistance
The Educational Assistance Program supports children of street families (6-18 years old) to attend formal school and perform well. Student centers offer safe venues for development like tutorials, skills enhancement, and continuous support. The parents of the students are empowered to participate in the program.
Crisis Intervention
The crisis intervention immediately responds to the needs of walk-in individuals from our communities in desperate situations. It provides burial, medical, and transportation assistance and referrals for counseling, medical, or psychological services.
Spiritual Formation
The spiritual formation program aims at fostering holistic spiritual growth and character development of children, families and workers in coordination with various programs and services. Its services include pastoral care, devotions, journeying, life group, parents fellowships, camps and family retreats.
Youth from the different programs are being trained to be advocates, role models, and teachers of the next generation of children through group work, camps, mentoring and active involvement.
Through family enrichment activities, parents are empowered in their parenting capacity, life and leadership skills. They are organized to be actively involved in the programs and in their community.