After two long years of waiting because of the pandemic Onesimo Bulilit conducted (5) days leadership Camp in Puerto Galera Mindoro. We entitled the theme of this year as “LAKBAY..” and the text we referred to is from Proverbs 16:9. The goal of the theme is basically as future leader,…

Job Opening

Onesimo Bulilit Foundation, Inc. is a faith-based, non-profit, non-government organization working among Children at risk and their families in Manila, Philippines. JOB OPENING  :   HUMAN RESOURCES OFFICER Job Summary The HR Officer supports the organization in growing the skills and capabilities of its people. This position shall help determine the…

Christmas gift-giving

"The annual Christmas gift-giving with a theme, "Give a Smile and Touch a Life" was once again held last December 14-16, 2021. This special event was a success because of the support of generous donors like Gardenia Bakeries, Manila Pacific Tollways and NLEX Corporation, Service for Kids, Charity First Foundation,…
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